Privacy policy

Aizšauj Pakal is a website at and a mobile phone app for Android and IOS, which provides registered users with the opportunity to find catering companies and shops, and order goods with delivery. Aizšauj Pakal is a new concept, a part of the mass information tool "Ideāla Valsts", Reg. No. 000740369, Department of Economics.

This privacy policy describes how and when Shoot Back collects, uses and shares your information when you use our services. Shoot Back receives your information through our APIs, applications and from our partners and other third parties. For example, you send us information when you use the Shoot Back app. By using any of our Services, you consent to the collection, transfer, manipulation, storage, disclosure and other use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Regardless of the country in which you reside or provide information from, you authorize Shoot Back.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Information Collection and Use

We collect and use the information you provide below to provide our Services and to evaluate and improve our Services from time to time.

Location Information: We may use other data from your device to determine your location, such as information about wireless networks or cell towers near your mobile device or your IP address. We may use and store information about your location to provide features of our Services, to improve and customize the Services, such as with more relevant content such as local trends, discounts, advertisements and recommendations for people to follow.

Links: Shoot Back may track how you interact with links on our Services, including our third-party services and customer applications, by redirecting clicks or other means. We do this to help improve our Services, to provide more relevant advertising, and to be able to share aggregated statistics, such as how often a particular link is clicked.

Cookies: Like many apps, we use cookies and similar technologies to collect additional application usage data and improve our services, but we do not need cookies for many parts of our services, such as searching and viewing public user profiles. Shoot Back may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to better understand how you interact with our Services, to monitor our users' overall usage and traffic routing on our Services, and to customize and improve our Services. Most applications automatically accept cookies.

Google Analytics: We will also install Google Analytics on apps, devices or mobile apps to collect your activities while using our Services. We will also recommend some other services that may be suitable or that you will like based on our analysis.

Log Data: When you use Shoot Back, we may receive information ("Log Data") such as your IP address, device information (including device and application IDs), and search terms. Shoot Back uses log data to provide, understand and improve our services.

Information sharing and disclosure

We do not share your private personal information except in the limited circumstances described herein.

Your Consent: We may share or disclose your information at your direction, such as when you allow a third-party web client or application to access your Shoot Back account.

Law and Indemnity: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this policy, we may retain or disclose your information if we believe it is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request; to protect the safety of any person; to address fraud, security or technical issues; or to protect the rights or property of Shoot Back. However, nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to limit any legal defenses or objections you may have to requests by third parties, including governments, to disclose your information.

Business Transfers and Affiliates: If Shoot Back is involved in a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of assets, your information may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction. This Privacy Policy will apply to your information transferred to the new organization. We may also disclose information about you to our corporate affiliates to help provide, understand and improve our Services, including the delivery of advertisements.

Non-Private or Non-Personal Information: We may share or disclose your Non-Private, Aggregated or otherwisepersonal information, such as your public user profile information, the people you share your information with, or the number of users who clicked through. to a specific link (even if only one did), or report to advertisers the unique users who saw or clicked on their ads after we have removed any private personal information (such as your name or contact information).

Changes to this policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most recent version of the Policy will govern the use of your information and will always be available at If we make changes to this policy that we determine are material, we will update By continuing to access or use the Services after these changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

Enters into force: May 1, 2023

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